Let's Connect


Case studies of specific projects are available upon request

User Research

User research is often the first phase of a design project, where I focus on the customer's needs and problems to be solved. Creating personas, user profiles, jobs to be done, and archetypes are all tools I use to focus on what a customer is trying to accomplish with in a web or native experience.

Sample personas

Concept Mapping

At Network Solutions, I created a concept map of the pre and post sale behaviors a customer engages in, how they interact with various tools while shopping for a domain name. This helped the team visualize the journey of one customer.

Sample concept map

User Flows

Almost every project I've been involved in starts off with a user flow. This is important for all team members, including non-designers, to agree on the experience and "how things work" before any UI is designed.

Sample user flows


Wireframes are an important low-fidelity deliverable, along with functional requirements. One example was the Network Solutions website builder tool, which had a complex set of interactions that needed to be fully documented.

Sample wireframes


Clickable prototypes help me test my designs and showcase the experience to stakeholders. I have tools such as Axure, Figma, Sketch and InDesign to create prototypes for customers to interact with during testing.

Sample prototype

Native and Web Design

At Siteworx, Network Solutions and Capital One, I designed both web and native experiences. I always implement responsive design to ensure desktop, tablet and mobile web breakpoints are accounted for.

Sample mobile native

Sample responsive web

Journey Mapping

I have created many journey and service design maps of various customers' experiences. One example was the account opening journey at Capital One, from shopping on the website, to applying for a product, to being onboarded to use that product.

Sample journey map

Usability Testing

I almost always test my designs on actual users, whether in a lab setting or with a tool like Usertesting.com. The insights gained from even a small number of participants can be invaluable in validating user comprehension of content and interaction with a design.

Sample usability test report

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